Today’s prompt: My most memorable experience
It was tough to narrow down my memorable experiences for this week’s prompt. I’ve done several amazing trips and love to travel. As I’ve gotten (ahem!) older, I’ve become much more focused on having really cool adventures and exploring the world so I’m lucky to have a surfeit of experiences to choose from.
But ultimately, I kept coming back to swimming with the dolphins at Discovery Cove in Orlando. The Pilot and I met Hutch, our dolphin friend, got to play with him and even swim across the frigid cove with him. Dolphins like the chilly water! Here’s me giving Hutch a smooch:
After our swim, we got to sit in lounge chairs and watch the dolphins frolic with other guests as we enjoyed our picnic. It’s truly a magical experience. We are looking forward to taking Fox in a few years.
So, how about you? What’s your most memorable experience?
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