This week’s prompt is: Work up character/setting profiles?
So, when I’m developing a character, I do a few things before I start drafting. First, I’ll find a picture or two so I can get their physical details down. I often start with a celebrity for this and will watch a few YouTube videos to get their mannerisms down.
Back in the day, when I was just getting started, I’d fill out these endless character questionnaires. But I don’t do that anymore. I just do a few tried and true character exercises. One of my favorites is the Shadow Room by Holly Lisle
Then, I fill out this list of intimacy questions. I free-write the answers by couple. Often, the information contained in this free write will appear directly in the book during the get to know you sections.
Usually, I know that there’s a series so I’ll develop the secondary characters as I’m writing the first couple too and the general series information, including settings and background information.
That usually takes two or three days before I start wanting to begin drafting the book. I know it’s time to start when I can “hear” them talking (Sorry, I know my writer crazy is showing 🙂
I’ll sometimes try new character exercises and, if I get stuck, I often free-write in the character’s voice for a while.
Any suggestions for good ones to try?
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